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How to renew your medical card online

Don’t wait until the last minute to start the renewal process for your medical marijuana card. Renewing your MMJ card on time is essential to ensure uninterrupted access to the medicine that you need.

Depending on your state, you may be required to renew your medical marijuana card every year. Failing to do so means that you won’t be able to purchase medical cannabis. 

Understand the benefits of renewing your MMJ card on time, how to renew your medical card online, and the costs involved.

Why you should renew your medical cannabis card on time

Get Your Medical Card

Ensure continuous access to medical cannabis

Medical marijuana dispensaries cannot accept cards past their expiration dates. Some states have online registries for medical marijuana patients, which allows budtenders to verify the status of certified medical marijuana patients. If you haven’t renewed your MMJ card, you won’t be able to purchase medical cannabis.

For a smooth and uninterrupted supply of quality cannabis products, contact Leafwell at least 30 days before your expiration date.

Avoid unlawful possession and use of cannabis

In states that have not legalized adult cannabis use, the only way to access marijuana legally is by obtaining a medical marijuana card.

While hemp products with less than 0.3% THC are legal in the USA, cannabis is still a Schedule 1 controlled substance per federal law. Unlawful possession and use of marijuana can lead to legal problems, including imprisonment and fines. This also applies to cannabis purchased before the expiry of your MMJ card.

States with medical marijuana programs offer protection to certified medical cannabis patients.

Avoid last-minute rush booking a doctor’s appointment

Renewing your medical marijuana card on time gives you ample opportunity to organize your documents and schedule a doctor’s appointment. If you’re applying for an MMJ card for the first time, you may be required to have several consultations with a qualified medical cannabis doctor. Therefore, starting the process early is advisable.

Thankfully, medical card renewal is usually more straightforward than first-time applications.  If you obtained your first MMJ card with Leafwell, we probably won’t require you to upload your documents and medical records again, which will speed up the process of getting your new medical card.

Still, state programs may delay the process, so we encourage you to initiate your renewal with us at least a month before expiration.

MMJ card renewal involves less paperwork

Renewing a medical card before it expires usually involves less paperwork, as your information is already in our files. State programs also have you in their systems as a medical marijuana patient. This means that you’re only renewing your eligibility. 

As a bonus, renewing a medical card is generally less expensive than applying for a new one.

How to renew your medical card online: Step-by-step guide

Are you ready to initiate your medical marijuana card renewal? Here’s the process to follow:

Step one: Confirm the expiry date

Your medical marijuana card will have an expiry date listed on it. The state usually processes your card in two to four weeks. However, delays could occur due to high application volumes or staffing shortages.

Initiating the renewal process at least 30 days before expiry is essential to avoid the risk of being denied your medicine during the gap periods.

If you live in a state like Massachusetts, you can even start renewing your medical cannabis card 60 days in advance!

Step two: Schedule an appointment with Leafwell

In most states, you won’t need a physical appointment with your doctor to renew your card. Just book a convenient telehealth appointment online with Leafwell. If you received your card through Leafwell, simply log in using the same email/username and password. 

During your appointment, our licensed medical cannabis professionals will discuss your health status as well as any medications you may be taking. If you’ve any questions or concerns, this is your chance to bring them up.

Some documents you may be required to produce during this appointment include a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport. In some states, you may also be required to submit your medical records, although this is more necessary for first-time applicants.

Step three: File renewal paperwork

Lastly, fill out your renewal form, file the corresponding paperwork, and pay state fees.

You’ve successfully applied for MMJ card renewal. Depending on your state, you can expect to receive either a physical card in the mail or a digital version within a few weeks after applying.

What’s the cost of medical card renewal?

While the renewal fees vary by state, you’ll generally need to pay at two stages. First, there’s the Leafwell fee for meeting with one of our cannabis doctors. Then, there are state fees.

Leafwell appointment fee

Depending on your state, you’ll pay between $99 to $199 to meet with one of our qualified medical professionals online. After Leafwell has evaluated and recommended you as a qualified medical cannabis patient, you will proceed to pay state fees.

State fees

Again, the fees will depend on the state but range between $50 and $100.

Note that the card’s validity doesn’t always match the physician’s certification.  For example, in Maryland, a medical card expires every 3 years, but you’ll need to renew your recommendation with Leafwell annually. Meanwhile, in New Jersey, a medical card expires every 2 years. 

In some states, it may expire before a physician-issued recommendation, so check your state’s specific regulations.

Renew your medical card quickly and easily

As you’ve seen, renewing your MMJ card on time is critical for uninterrupted access to legal medical cannabis in the US. Now that you know how to renew your medical card online, it’s time to start the process.

Book an appointment with one of Leafwell’s qualified physicians to apply for or renew your medical card. Our virtual clinic is open and ready to guide you throughout the process.

Frequently asked questions

How often do I need to renew my MMJ card?

How often you renew your medical card will depend on the state where you live. Most states require you to renew your card annually. However, states such as New Jersey and Maryland require you to renew your card every two and three years, respectively.

Can I use my MMJ card one day after it expires?

No. You can’t use your MMJ card after it has expired. That’s why we encourage you to initiate the renewal process at least 30 days before the expiration date.

Is medical card renewal expensive?

No. Medical marijuana card renewal fees vary by state, but are generally affordable. For example, Michigan’s renewal fee is $40, while it costs $75 to renew your medical card in Florida.

Get your medical marijuana card

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